Thursday, March 28, 2013

Shower Farts are the Worst

Ok I know where you are taking this in your head. No this is not a blog about actual shower farts, but it is a lesson to be learned.   Some who read this story already know it, some of you don't. I will not name names but I will tell the truth. Bear with me for this does have a point and I will try to reach it quickly.

Every have that feeling when your in the shower, you know the one. Your washing your hair or face and your stomach gurgles and you just know you have to fart. You tell yourself, "I am not going to fart in the shower its the worst kind. I can hold it. I can wait. Just a few more minutes." Then without warning it comes out and there you are standing there coughing and choking on your own gases. Your eyes water, you half kill yourself jumping out of the shower to turn the fan on. Opening the door doesn't help it just creates a cold hurricane force wind from the bowels of the arctic to blow it all back in your face.

I have come to the conclusion that we have people like this in our lives. We meet, we hang out. I help you, you help me. Its a nice dance of pleasantries and friendship. Your kids hang together and everyone is happy. While you are having this whirl wind fast growing friendship you dont stop to pay attention to the "grumbling" in your stomach. You push it aside, you tell yourself its nothing.

Later you think back to that grumble but cant figure out why you had it. Months go by and everything is find then all of a sudden you feel the grumble. This time you know something is up. You try to talk and you get no answer, you try to interact you get no response. You are trying to hold on to this Fart of a friendship, but realize that once you let go you are going to tear up, choke and open that door to make it better.  We all know that's not the answer, we all know from experience that opening the door will bring the whirlwind of cold pain.

I did just that. I tried and helped and never asked for anything in return. I knew they had nothing to give yet I still did the things I did. I did everything I could to try and believe this was a real thing. When I got shut out, when no one would talk, when I was told I didn't matter. I realized that not only was this a Giant Shower Fart but also a pile of Shit.

So I did what I should of done a long time ago. I let it all out. However, I played it smart and you should too. Turn the fan on first and double flush all the shit down the drain. That is all they are and all they will amount to be. Be Free you gassy pile of shit, Be Free

Friday, December 28, 2012

Tis the reason......

So Christmas is done and the new year is around the corner. Well 4 days actually. This past week I have racked my brain trying to figure out what I did this past year that I would want to do better or different this year. To be honest I cant think of one thing I would change.

Now that's not to say I wouldn't change anything. Its just there isn't anything memorable this past year I would do different. Like most people I have my New Year Resolutions. Like 1. Quit Smoking. 2. Exercise. and so on and so forth. However to look back and say I want to change this or I wish I could do that over again I just have no idea what that one thing would be. I mean sure I had plenty of cool things happen this past year. My kids turned another year older, my husband got a promotion, I finally got my house in order and got a "new car" (well Van actually), but to say I would do anything different is a stretch.

I guess what I am getting at is that this year what I will do different is to make the most out of my year and to enjoy the little things in my life and my families. We are finally making time to have a "family day". This is a day where we as a family go out and explore the world together. We will fish, hike, hunt, camp and really enjoy each others company without the use of "electronics" to distract us from the rest of the family. I want to  make sure I make time for each of my family members and enjoy their company as an individual away from the distractions of the others. Such as a mother-daughter day, or a day where me and my oldest go to the park and practice his soccer. Finally me and my husband will have a chance to go out on a date night other than our anniversary.

What is your reason for bettering yourself this coming year. Is it for self image, better family time, to better yourself as a person (husband, wife, brother, sister, ect.). Maybe your reason is to make your family better or to help others. Whatever your reason is make sure it is a good one and for the right, well for lack of a better word, reason. I hope you find what you want in this new year and I hope it helps you find who you are in this life. Never for one moment think you always have next year because you never know what life has in store and next year or next month, next week, or even tomorrow is promised to us. Love yourself, love your family, and most important embrace those around you and make your life positive. Throw away the negative in your life. Be it people, friends, jobs, or objects. Make this next year one to remember and always, always keep an eye out on yours truly, Yourself.  Much Love and Happiness in the new year and may you and yours have a memorable one.

P.S. Please comment on what you want to change and how you think you can change it. If you don't know how maybe others will have an idea on how to help you. Remember you are not alone out there and others (even if they are strangers) just might have the right answer.

Monday, December 3, 2012

The Open Ended Giver

I would like to start this post off by stating that this is NOT a post about gifts or what to buy or where to buy it. This is NOT a post telling you what you should get your sweetheart or your mother-in-law.

No, this post is about the spirit of giving and what it means to give.

Some believe that in order to give you must receive, or vice versa.  I believe we should give no matter what and let it sort its self out in the end.

I am an open ended giver. I give when I can, what I can and however I can. I don't expect a gift in return. A simple thank you will suffice. With that being said, I do of course like to receive a gift every now and again. Then again who doesn't right? I am not one to boast or brag about what I have done for others nor am I one to point at myself and yell "LOOK AT WHAT I DID!" I am a humble person and I believe that everyone should be humble in one aspect of your life or another.

When I give, I am to give to those in need. Now  you are probably saying to yourself  "Isn't that the only time you should give is when someone is in need?" No, and here is why. To give a gift or do a chore or just plain do something out of kindness will give you a sense of pride that nothing else on this earth will ever give you.

Lets look at it this way. Your mother is probably pretty mobile. She cleans her own house, does her own laundry and such. Now imagine how proud you will feel when you go over to her house and notice that she has yet to get to the dishes. This is where you take it upon yourself to do them without asking her if she needs you to do it or without her asking you to do them for her. This is a selfless act and what I consider an open ended gift. You expect nothing in return yet you did a great thing for someone you love.

Now remember, being an open ended giver does not stop with just people you know. It goes beyond that to those you don't know and will probably never see again. I'm sure you have all seen the stories on Facebook about the stranger who paid for another persons groceries due to them don't having enough money or for whatever other reason. That is a wonderful thing to do, yet most of us are in a position where we can pay that kind of niceness forward. Wish I could but I cant.

Like I said before I don't like to boast or brag but I want to give you five examples of giving that I have done that  might inspire you the next time you are out or you want to help others just for the hell of it. Just so you understand this thought process I am having (since it seems to me I am rambling) some of these things are big while others are minuet and minuscule.

1. Volunteer somewhere even if it just one day a month. ( I use to volunteer for the GERL horse rescue)

2. Help your neighbor carry their groceries inside without question.

3. Hold the door for someone (not just the elderly or disabled either.)

4. Give the homeless guy a few bucks. He may buy food, he may buy alcohol but either way you tried. (And oh my god do not flood me with comments about how the guy may just be a scam artist  You use your own discretion  Like I said these are just suggestions not rules)

5. Go above and beyond and find that one item you know someone absolutely needs and get it for them. (You can do this for free. I did. I was able to get a service dog donated to a disabled neighbor and good friend of mine for no cost to me except a few gallons of gas and a few hours on the computer)

These are just a few things I do or have done and I will continue to do them as long as I am living and breathing. I believe in karma and I believe whatever you put out will come back three fold. I believe in a world where people actually give a shit about others. (ok that came out sounding really flower child like)
I can not express enough how much of an impact a small simple jester can mean to someone. I have had the greatest highs in my life from doing the things I have done and I have had some of the sadness moments also. All in all I would do it again and again and I will do that even now.

I believe we can all change for the better. In this society of me me me and I I I, it is hard to take time out of your day and help others. Believe me when I say this though, It is completely worth it and your sense of self worth and pride will over whelm you.

And you know what, don't sweat the small stuff, don't worry about what your going to get back or when. Most of all don't worry about being disappointed with who you are because you will know in your heart and your head that you are a good person and you are capable of doing amazing and wonderful things not just for yourself but now for others. Learn to give the benefit of the doubt, learn to understand and compromise. Learn to sacrifice just enough of yourself to make someone else know the joy of having a hot meal, so an animal (someones pet or even a stray) can eat or have the medicine it needs, or even just a bath.

I will stop here or else I could go on and on.

Just remember, What goes around, comes around, and always always remember


Love to all.

Monday, March 21, 2011

Best Article Ever....

This is the ultimate explanation to all those out there to the question of "What do you do all day when you stay at home with your kid." Well read on and it will explain it all to you.

I just hope those out there that read this take it to heart that we moms do a lot more then you can imagine.

Sunday, March 20, 2011

The Way of the Pity.....

            I have come to the understanding that no matter how level headed you think a person is, they will always surprise you and do something irresponsible. I have left many friendships behind because of this. I do not and will not put up with stupidity if you are too ignorant to learn from it.  I believe I am in no way a person to judge any one but I will speak up as a friend and point out the obvious if you haven't seen it your self. I have two rules when you are with me, no drugs, and no alcoholics. Now I will have or hang out at a party and drink, that is not what I am saying. I am saying you are not to come near me or my kids drunk for no reason. Then again there is no reason to get drunk to the point of stupidity anyways. If you are that way, stay away. I left that crap in high school and I haven;t looked back.
          Anyways, The point I am making is this. As long as you take care of you and yours we are cool. However, when you call me up crying and sobbing because you don't know where your going to gas money for work, or how you are going to pay rent when you just had a wild weekend then we have a problem. I know I am not the best at managing bills and all but I make sure my bills are paid and if (and I mean a big IF) I have anything left, then I play. It has been almost 15 yrs since I have gone on a vacation that I have paid for. Sounds bad, but I have manged to keep a roof over my kids heads and food in there stomachs. My husband has gas in his truck and we pinch and save everywhere we can. I even went back to school so I could learn a new profession in this horrid economy. I cant seem to even get a job in medical field. I am going to have to go to the local McDonald's  and get a job. Oh well so be it. The problem I am having is that some would rather roll over in their own sorrow and pity then go out and do what is necessary.

           The solution to all this is simple, who cares if your nails are done and if you need a hair cut grab a scrunchy, and PUT YOUR BIG GIRL PANTIES ON AND DEAL WITH IT!

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Life in the way

                    I have always been a person who likes to keep up with people. I like to know what they are doing with their lives and I like knowing where they are headed. Some might call me nosy but I call myself curious. It is always exciting when you get reconnected with a friend and you have so much to talk about and then the worst possible thing happens. Your reunion gets cut short for what ever reason and you promise to keep in touch and you do, for a while. Then one day you realize you haven't talked to so-n-so in a few weeks. You tell yourself you will call this friend as soon as you get a free moment. Then that free moment gets here and you don't want to talk to anyone, so you tell yourself you will call tomorrow. Now I know people have the right intention to call or in this day Facebook but for some reason or another we sometimes fall out of touch and never pick it up. For some people it is harder to do then others. Maybe you let so much time go by that now you feel you cant call because you may have nothing in common any more. Then again it might have nothing to do with time but with a heavy heart or conscious, maybe you did something or vice-versa and the consequence has been hard to bare.

                   For what ever reason you have lost touch, maybe you should look at yourself and ask yourself, was it really worth it to lose touch with this friendship. If it wasn't worth it then ask yourself what you need to do to get it back. I am a person who will keep a friend forever as long as they don't cross the boundaries I have set out. I don't allow heavy drinking or any drug use around my children, and my husband is off limits. Other then that we are cool. I take everything with a grain of salt and if you cross a boundary I will politely put you in your place. However there have been a few people who have crossed this line more then once and I have written them off. Am I happy I did this? No. Will I do it again? I'm sure. I understand no one is perfect and I am no one to judge anybody but this is my life and I allow you to be in it. Wow that came out sounding bitchier then I thought it would.

                    Could you just imagine how many people would leave you behind if you told them the truth. I mean just think of yourself standing in front of a friend you has crossed you and you tell them "This is my life and I am allowing you to be in it, so behave of I am locking you out of it." Oh well, right? I mean are you suppose to walk on egg shells just because you don't want to hurt a persons feelings. However that doesn't mean you can be a flat out A-hole or Bitch to a person and think they will forgive you. If that is your idea of friendship then I would hate to meet the kids you grew up with.

                      Growing up I didn't have a lot of friends but what I did have was a few really good friendships. Even though we don't see each other everyday we still take time during the week to say Hi. Facebook helps but sometime you just need to pick up the phone and tell this person that "You are still an important part of my life and I have always and will always cherish our friendship." It is a simple statement but just think how hard it is to say it to someone you haven't talked to in a long time. Try it one day and post me a comment and let me know how it went. You might just surprise your friend and yourself.

Wednesday, December 29, 2010

A Change in Pace

So I have decided to make a change in pace in this life. I have come to the conclusion that while everyone else is living everyday to the fullest they can, I am standing still. I am willing and able to go out and grab life by the horns, the problem is that I have stood here for so long that I no longer know which foot to start with and in which direction I should go. I have been to school, received a diploma, graduated Alpha Beta Kappa, and raised 3 awesome kids. Now that I able to do me, I feel lost. I have a wide range of skills I can use, I just cant remember which ones I could use to benefit my life to the fullest. Some of my favorite times was when I was in my teenage years and didn't have to worry about the consequences. Now that I am married and have kids I feel I need to play it safe, but I think I am playing a little too safe. I need to remove the padding and helmet and face what is left of this life head on. What brought me to this decision you ask, well I have recently had to support a close friend whose brother passed away from stage 4 cancer. He was only 33. I hate to say I am the cliche and that having to go through this opened my eyes, but it really did. I just hope it is not to late to realize my potential in what I can accomplish and go out and do it. I am starting a new life with the new year and Damn It I am going to do it right this time. No more excuses, no more reasons, just do as I need and do as I want and to hell with anyone else who disagrees.